Code of Conduct

At Softinator TechLabs Private Limited (“Softinator”), we are steadfast in our dedication to fostering an environment that epitomizes integrity, respect, and professionalism. Our Code of Conduct serves as the cornerstone of our corporate ethos, guiding our actions and decisions. Headquartered in the bustling city of Mumbai, with our roots deeply embedded in the heart of India, Indore, we carry the legacy of our foundation since 2008 with pride and responsibility.


This Code of Conduct applies universally to all employees, contractors, consultants, officers, and directors of Softinator TechLabs Private Limited, encompassing all operations and interactions within and outside the premises of the organization, including but not limited to client engagements, supplier dealings, and inter-departmental collaborations.

Professional Conduct

  • Integrity and Ethics: Every member of Softinator is expected to conduct business with unwavering integrity, adhering to the highest ethical standards. This includes honesty in communication, respect for intellectual property, and avoidance of any form of corruption or unethical behavior.
  • Respect and Inclusivity: We are committed to creating a workspace that respects diversity and promotes inclusivity. Discrimination, harassment, or any behavior that undermines the dignity of individuals will not be tolerated.
  • Excellence in Service: As providers of cutting-edge services in web, mobile, cloud, AI, Big Data, and marketing, we strive for excellence in every project and interaction. Continuous improvement and innovation are our hallmarks, ensuring that we meet and exceed the expectations of those we serve.
  • Confidentiality and Privacy: Protecting the confidential information of our clients and company is paramount. Employees must safeguard sensitive data, respecting privacy obligations and adhering to all relevant data protection laws.
  • Compliance and Legal Obligations: Compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, and policies is mandatory. This includes, but is not limited to, labor laws, intellectual property rights, and industry-specific regulations.

Personal Conduct

  • Professional Growth: We encourage continuous learning and professional development, enabling our team to stay at the forefront of technological and industry advancements.
  • Accountability: Each individual is responsible for their actions and decisions. Accountability and ownership are key in maintaining the trust and confidence of our clients and colleagues.
  • Conflict of Interest: Employees must avoid situations that could lead to a conflict of interest or the perception thereof. Transparency and disclosure are vital in such circumstances.

Implementation and Enforcement

Adherence to this Code of Conduct is imperative for all members of Softinator. Violations will be addressed promptly and may lead to disciplinary action, including termination of employment or contracts. We encourage an open-door policy, where concerns or breaches can be reported without fear of retaliation, ensuring the integrity of our workplace.


The Code of Conduct of Softinator TechLabs Private Limited embodies our commitment to ethical practices, excellence, and respect. It is a reflection of our core values and serves as a guiding light for our conduct, both within the company and in the broader community we serve.

Code of Conduct